The other day, when working with Debian on another cell phone, I was in need of a screenshot tool. A quick search online revealed several screenshot tools, like scrot and […]
How the JWM file works.
Perhaps you are new to Linux, JWM (Joe’s Window Manager), or LWDE’s/WM’s (Light Weight Desktop Environments/Windows Managers), and you may be wondering what all the JWM Theme Friday stuff actually […]
JWM Theme Friday!
Every Friday you will see a new JWM theme posted here, including the .jwmrc file and a screenshot, so check back here on Fridays for the new theme. You can […]
Real World Example: Fixing LSB tags and overrides on a Linux expanded Android phone.
As is often the case, I usually expand my Android phones to full Debian distributions using Sven-Ola’s Debian Kit. Since Sven does not appear to support the kit anymore, it […]