It Came Upon the Midnight ClearChristmas Hymn and Carol It came upon the midnight clear,That glorious song of old,From angels bending near the earth,To touch their harps of gold:“Peace on […]
Pat, Winlink, and AX.25
As I continue to learn about digital modes and ham radio, I was intrigued with the idea of testing ax.25 vs ardop in real world situations. As it turns out, […]
Stealing CW live with FLDIGI
Been a little busy lately, but I still managed to find a little bit of time to play around with my TS-820 and laptop. I was using the signalink usb […]
When the compiling instructions are not clear.
Lately I’ve been playing around with old school Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). This is something that you can still do over the internet, but it also is something you can […]
PAT and rig control for radios with CAT control…
In my last post, I talked about using FLRIG and rig control in dummy mode to work with PAT and Ardop to send and receive emails. That worked pretty well, […]
Pat and Flrig for radios without CAT control…
Last post I talked about trying to use PAT, and it wasn’t working very well for me. I had set up PAT and Ardop, but I kept getting errors and […]
PAT: Email over radio?
If you’ve spent some time reading this blog, you will probably realize that I like techie things. In particular, I like cell phones and computers and radios. So it is […]
JS8Call: a keyboard to keyboard “rag-chew”
In my continued efforts to use digital modes with my tube radio, I’ve decided that FT-8 wasn’t my cup of tea. I’ve done a bit of FT-8, and that was […]
Alien to the rescue? Converting RPM to DEB.
All I really wanted was to use GridTracker. It’s a program that maps your contacts live as you are using digital modes like FT8. The problem was, there wasn’t an […]
FT8: How far can you transmit?
While I don’t think this is my favorite way to pass the time, I’ve been enjoying trying out different digital modes, including FT8. I’ve posted about it before, when I […]