When I originally created JustChess, I had a problem. If you were playing a game, and pressed the new game button, then started another game, you could press back and go back to the menu, then back and go back to the game. This was a bit odd. At the time, I solved it with “Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY”. This worked great. Too great.

The problem, as pointed out on my issue tracker, was that when you minimized the game, it would be “destroyed” and rebuilt when you brought the app back. Which is not cool. You may need to answer a text and then come back to your game, and it shouldn’t disappear in between!


So, I fixed it with my latest commit. I took out the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY intents, but then my original problem returned. To solve that, I added “finish()” to my new game button, like so:

// First you define it.
Intent myintent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, IntroActivity.class);
// Now you call it.


Now, when you select a new game, it “finishes” your old one. Pressing the back button doesn’t lead you on a wild goose chase to dozens of old games, it just brings you back to the main menu, and that’s much better!

Linux – keep it simple.

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