Last post we looked at extracting/downloading your OTA zip from your phone. Now, if you have your OTA zip you can use dumpyara to extract it, and then aospdtgen to create a LineageOS tree for it. Here I use my OTA zip which I downloaded (cf1f7c3fa1596c87f045cee1508823c98667fa06.zip) :
$ pip3 install dumpyara
$ python3 -m dumpyara ./cf1f7c3fa1596c87f045cee1508823c98667fa06.zip
Version 1.0.2
[INFO] Step 1 – Extracting archive
[INFO] Step 2 – Preparing partition images
[INFO] Found multipartition image: payload.bin
Extracting ‘boot.img’
Extracting ‘dtbo.img’
Extracting ‘lk.img’
Extracting ‘md1img.img’
Extracting ‘preloader.img’
Extracting ‘product.img’
Extracting ‘scp.img’
Extracting ‘spmfw.img’
Extracting ‘sspm.img’
Extracting ‘system.img’
Extracting ‘tee.img’
Extracting ‘vbmeta.img’
Extracting ‘vbmeta_system.img’
Extracting ‘vbmeta_vendor.img’
Extracting ‘vendor.img’
[INFO] Pattern super not found
[INFO] Step 3 – Extracting partitions
[INFO] Extracting boot
[INFO] Cloning AIK…
[INFO] Extracting dtbo
[INFO] Extracting product
[INFO] Extracting system
[INFO] Extracting vendor
[INFO] Step 4 – Finalizing
[INFO] Creating all_files.txt
Done! You can find the dump in /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/phones/catS42g/OTA_from_10_to_12/cf1f7c3fa1596c87f045cee1508823c98667fa06
$ pip3 install aospdtgen
$ mkdir aospdtgen
$ python3 -m aospdtgen -o ./aospdtgen/ ./cf1f7c3fa1596c87f045cee1508823c98667fa06/
Android device tree generator
Version 1.0.0
[INFO] Figuring out partitions scheme
[WARNING] Unknown HAL type native
[INFO] Parsing build props and device info
[INFO] Parsing fstab
[INFO] Extracting boot image
[INFO] Cloning AIK…
[INFO] Getting list of rootdir files
[INFO] Generating proprietary files list
Done! You can find the device tree in aospdtgen
And then you have a LineageOS device tree, ready to build! Typically you would use it to build the same version of Android your OTA zip file was for. Here is a link to the tree I got from aospdtgen so you can take a look at the final results:
Linux – keep it simple.
Hey did you get a successful build using the tree from aoapdtgen? Or did you have to make any modifications to the tree before you got a successful build?
Or neither and this post was just a showcase of the tools?
Great question, it took a small bit of editing, but then built successfully, however, it did not boot properly.