
Last week I mentioned the changes to the Hourglass app in regards to manual time entry. As I looked over the commits, I realized that I forgot to mention the addition of a recurring timer option.

As you can see in the picture, there is now a little set of circular arrows that stand for repeating the timer. You can tap on it to turn off and on repeat mode. In essence, all that I did was add a check at the end of the time to see if you wanted it to be repeated. If the answer is yes, it set it up to run again, if not, then the timer ends. Either way you still get the vibration, the sound, and the pop-up, and the title bar notification still works.

The commit itself is a bit too long to post here, but here is a snippet from the code:

​+ public void recurChoice (View recurView) {
 + if (recureYes) {
 + // Set the boolean.
 + recureYes = false;
 + // Set the image.
 + recure.setImageResource(R.drawable.notrecur);
 + } else {
 + // Set the boolean.
 + recureYes = true;
 + // Set the image.
 + recure.setImageResource(R.drawable.recur);
 + }
 + }

As you can see, this just adds the option to toggle the button. You can read the full commit here:

And thanks to Mr. Pfeffer for bringing this great idea to my attention. It really has made the app all the more useful!

Linux – keep it simple.

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