This android developer course is actually pretty fun! There are several hard parts, and a few “scratch my head” moments, but Rob does a great job of explaining what to […]
Changing your Android app icon.
As I continue my studies in Android app making, I was a bit surprised that we had not yet covered how to change your application’s icon. I suppose making the […]
Making Toast
As I have mentioned previously, I am continuing my studies with an online course from Udemy by Rob Perceval about how to build Android apps. Here is my latest creation: […]
Error:Gradle version 2.2 is required
In the continuing adventures of Android Studio and app development, I ran into yet another error while trying to import someone else’s work off of github: [CODE] Error:Gradle version 2.2 […]
keyCode=KEYCODE_UNKNOWN, When your buttons don’t work!
While building roms for the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTETMO, TBLTEXX) I ran into an issue where the recents button was not working. So, I pulled a logcat, and here […]
How to add an I/O Scheduler to your kernel
How to add an I/O Scheduler to your kernel: Praise God, another succesful addition to the TBLTE kernel was that of adding the FIOPS I/O scheduler to the kernel. What […]
Building a kernel for an Android phone without the rom source
For the record, I do not recommend building kernels this way, I recommend that you build them within your ROM source. This method will work, but is far more labor […]
Overclock an apq8084 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge!
In my continuing quest to make a better kernel for the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTE, N915T), I decided to tackle overclocking the kernel. There are already some overclocked kernels […]
Adding a kernel governor can be a Nightmare!
Okay, so a little play on words, especially since I am adding the Nightmare governor to the tblte (Samsung Galaxy Note Edge) kernel, but it did turn out to be […]
Well, this certainly is an original code error if I ever saw one. [CODE]prebuilts/cmsdk/api/6.txt:745: error 8: Removed public class cyanogenmod.platform.R.color prebuilts/cmsdk/api/6.txt:749: error 8: Removed public class cyanogenmod.platform.R.dimen prebuilts/cmsdk/api/6.txt:765: error 8: […]