I’d like to start this post by stating the facts: it didn’t work. Actually, it just about bricked the phone. So most of this post, however, is about how I […]
CM 7.2 on my Motorola Flipside MB508
So I decided that I would join the CyanogenMod rush and install it on my cell phone, a Motorola Flipside MB508. The installation was really tedious, but only because of […]
Android and Linux: Putting Linux on my phone – Debian Kit Setup
Yesterday I posted about putting Linux on my Android 2.2 phone, but I didn’t get a chance to finish the story, so here we have the rest of the tale. […]
Android and Linux: Putting Linux on my phone – Installation
It wasn’t long after having my MB508 Motorolla Flipside that I wanted to upgrade it with Linux. At this time I will not get into why someone might want to […]
Real World Example: UDEV rules for cell phones
The other day, when using adb to communicate with my phone, I had a problem where my laptop would not connect to my phone. # adb devices List of devices […]