While I do have a love/hate relationship with Amazon, the ability to purchase kindle books and read them is very handy. I have several older 4th generation Kindles, D01200 models, […]
Kicked off of Amazon?
I have a love/hate relationship with Amazon. I was using it exclusively for years, a happy prime customer, renting and buying movies, using the Amazon Music, etc. All was great. […]
ERROR: Pack created with a newer version of the engine
While doing a lot of work in Godot, I recently ran across an interesting error. I was attempting to upgrade from using Godot 4.1, which was the version used in […]
More Godot Learning with Barbarian Blaster!
As I continue to learn more about using Godot, my Udemy course took me through building a tower defense game. It was really fun to work on, and I am […]
Fixing my phone with MTKclient
While trying to build custom roms for one of my cell phones, I managed to soft brick the phone. It was a Cat S42G, and I somehow managed to get […]
Learning Godot 4 with Projectboost!
Recently I started learning Godot 4 by taking a 3D game development course on Udemy. It’s been a lot of fun so far, and it is helping me reach another […]
Fixing a fake Nintendo controller
Kids and cats and fake original Nintendo controllers don’t mix. Well, at least that’s my experience. Not much to write on this one, but the kids are rough on the […]
Godot3 with GLES 2.0 on Old Hardware
One of my side hobbies is learning how to make video games in Godot. I was going through a great tutorial, but I got sidetracked due to the usual life […]
Command line foo, and updating Ubuntu Touch clickable apps automagically…
I would like to start this post by saying I’m not that bright. Further, there are way, way, way brighter people, of whom you should be following their blog. However, […]
Modded Arduino-TNC finally sends the first email!
After many hours of fiddling with my modded Arduino-TNC and my HTX-212, I finally got it to transmit a test email from my cell phone using WoAD. I adjusted the […]