If you are reading this, you are probably trying to figure out how to use your api key from openweathermap.org. If you are reading this and don’t know what that […]
Downloading internet content and apps about the worlds richest celebrities
In the continuing saga of my Android Developer Course with Rob Percival, I needed to make an app that would show a picture of a famous celebrity, and give the […]
A brain teaser app!
For my continued education, I was required to make a brain teaser app which had several elements. Here is a download link if you want to try the finished product: […]
Apache bouncy castles….
So, another day, and another error. While building SlimRoms 7 for the Note Edge, I ran into this error: [CODE] [ 0% 60/15886] Docs droiddoc: /home/a…rget/common/docs/apache-http-stubs-gen external/apache-http/../../frameworks/base/core/java/android/net/http/SslCertificate.java:19: error: cannot find […]
The Super Dimensional Fortress
A title like that suggests something between a B17 bomber (the “flying fortress”) and Superman’s hideout (” fortress of solitude “). Well this isn’t either, but it is pretty cool […]
Countdown or Runnable and Handler, what’s the difference?
Today in class, we learned about different types of timers. Specifically, we learned the difference between a countdown timer, and a runnable and handler. Here’s the app that I put […]
AOKP 7.1.1 for the Galaxy Note Edge!
To God be the glory, my AOKP NOUGAT project finally works! My fellow T-Mobile-ians, (N915T) you have been left out of AOSP development long enough! By God’s grace I was […]
TBLTETMO data fix zips!
Praise God! The TBLTETMO data fix finally works! What is this for? -These data fix zips allow you to use a TBLTEXX rom on your phone (provided that you can […]
JWM themes, one update to rule them all….
JWM Themes I have not done JWM themes in quite some time. However, while looking through another forum, I was alerted to the fact that people were still trying to […]
We have seen Cid’s stink eye, and now we have seen a quail star. Check out the error: [CODE] [ 3% 1534/40974] Checking API: checkpublicapi-current FAILED: /bin/bash -c “(( /home/alaskalinuxuser/compile/build_rr7/out/host/linux-x86/bin/apicheck […]