After my JustChess app hit the F-Droid repository, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that people were trying it out! With every wave of players, however, came a new wave of issues. I like issues. I’m a bit of a problem solver, so it gives me a clear direction to work towards.

One of the issues was that rotating the screen caused the current game to be destroyed and restarted. Of course! I should have thought about that. Since I sold my Android phones, I was using the emulator to finish building this game. With the emulator, I didn’t consider screen rotation!

Fortunately, the first fix is pretty simple. If your activity restarts on rotation, then you should add this line to your manifest for each activity:


Like this:

    android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar" />

You can check out the full commit on my GitLab, but that is all you need to fix this issue. Now I just need to make it playable when the screen is rotated!


Linux – keep it simple.

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