
After about an hour of accomplishing nothing, I finally gave up on what I was doing and fixed the UCI input for “movpos” when castling. So now, if given the move for castling, it moves the rook as well as the king!

You can check out the whole commit on my GitLab, but here is the only important part:

if (m_theBoard[first] == ‘k’ || m_theBoard[first] == ‘K’){
cout << “King Move” << endl;
if (first == 4 && second == 6) {
// White Castles King Side
m_theBoard[7] = ‘-‘;
m_theBoard[5] = ‘R’;cout << “castleWKS” << endl;
} else if (first == 4 && second == 2) {
// White Castles Queen Side
m_theBoard[0] = ‘-‘;
m_theBoard[3] = ‘R’;cout << “castleWQS” << endl;
} else if (first == 60 && second == 62) {
// Black Castles King Side
m_theBoard[63] = ‘-‘;
m_theBoard[61] = ‘r’;cout << “castleBKS” << endl;
} else if (first == 60 && second == 58) {
// Black Castles Queen Side
m_theBoard[56] = ‘-‘;
m_theBoard[59] = ‘r’;cout << “castleBQS” << endl;
} // Not a king move…..

As you can see, I just have the engine check if the input move was a king (k for black king, K for white king, which is standard computer notation). If it was a king that moved, it checks to see if it is one of the four possible castle moves, and then, if it is, the engine moves the rook as well. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done!

Linux – keep it simple.

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