So, I missed a few posts over the past week or so. Actually, I’ve been really busy, but for a good cause. I’ve been fortunate enough to be selected by CompTIA to beta test the new Server+ exam. The busy part is all of the studying I am doing to try to pass the exam. I have a very short window of time in which to take the exam as well. Servers are not a new thing for me, but I have my doubts about passing the test, so I’m trying really, really hard to study up for it.

At work we use a few servers. From file hosts to PXE boot servers, but we don’t use them the way most of the IT world does. Here at work, our servers are offline and not connected to the internet at all. We manage and maintain nodes, as well as re-image them “remotely”, but by remotely, I mean that we do it in the same room from the servers to the machines. We don’t do patch management or updates, either. Some of our servers are running the same way they started out five years ago, because they are closed loop systems. Often component fail, but we don’t upgrade them, we repair them with pre-stocked and approved replacements of the exact same parts, even if those parts are no longer manufactured. Some of the motherboards and graphics cards we use have been out of production before we installed the servers. It’s just not exactly the way servers are typically used, especially in the scope of this exam.

Of course my server at home is a web, FTP, photo, and Jabber server, but I’m not sure that it’s being implemented the way a typical IT setup would be. It is only accessed by myself and my wife, and it is tied specifically to our cell phones with dynamic IP addresses. I manage users on a one on one basis, because there are only 2 users. Not your typical use case, for sure.

So, I’m doing a lot of studying. Fortunately for me, my company provides a video series specific to the Server+ exam, albeit the previous version of the test (of course, the one I’m taking is a beta, after all), which is free for me to peruse. I also picked up a Sybex Server+ book, which I’m reading through as well. Kindle readers can be really handy! If I had to order the book, I would lose a week of study time waiting for it to arrive in Alaska!

All of that to say I’ve been busy.

In the interim, however, I’ve been playing around with the Low Poly course lessons some more, and been trying to make some low poly people. There are several styles of low poly people, so I’m trying out a few of them. If you can see this posts pictures in your viewer, then hopefully you can see the little police man that I made. Well, I guess at the moment, he’s just a man in a blue shirt, but I was going to put a badge and tie on him later.

Linux – keep it simple.

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