Yet another Real World Example (RWE)! I know it has been a while since I have posted one of these, but it is better late than never, right? The situation: […]
Testing my recompiled AOKP5 on the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
So after making those changes shown in my previous posts, I recompiled AOKP5 for my S4. It still built successfully, so then the fixes must have been appropriate. After downloading […]
Pulling a logcat
I have never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed, but boy, have I been missing the biggest, most obvious way of figuring out my 6.0 problems. […]
Compiling SlimRoms 6.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
I’ve noticed a pattern. Other than CM13, all of my 6.0+ roms compile successfully (eventually) but fail to actually run on the device. I am really not sure why this […]
Compile AOKP 5.0.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
Success! Let’s take a look: [CODE] Finding vertex sequence… Removing backward edges… 0/0 dependencies (0.00%) were violated; 0 source blocks removed. Reticulating splines… using prebuilt boot.img from IMAGES… boot size […]
Compile AOKP 5.0.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
Just like we saw the other day, compiling is not always a simple task. At least, not for a simpleton like myself. A knowledgeable or intelligent person would simply go […]
Compile SlimRoms 6.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
By all acounts it was a happy sight to see the below in my terminal: [CODE] using prebuilt boot.img from BOOTABLE_IMAGES… boot size (6862848) is 65.45% of limit (10485760) running: […]
New SlimRoms Boot Animation
Just another simple SlimRoms boot animation. I use Gimp to make each frame, and then zip them together like so: $ zip -r -0 ./ ./part0 $ zip -r -0 […]
Compile SlimRoms 6.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
And so the epic journey to compile SlimMM for the JFLTETMO continues…. [CODE] warning: string ‘gsm_alphabet_default_charset’ has no default translation. device/samsung/qcom-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/cm_arrays.xml:19: error: Resource does not already exist in overlay at […]
Compile AOKP 5.0.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
As God has been very gracious to me in allowing me to compile some different roms for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919) phone, I decided to try […]