• Edit – I just realized that in my posts for having “fixed” many of the issues with the AOKP 5.0.2 build, that I only drafted, and didn’t actually post what I did to fix them. So I thought I better toss this in, even though it is out of order with the other article. So the below is written in present tense, even though it is now actually past tense.

Well, since by God’s enabiling the overall build was successful, I wanted to go back through and more accurately correct my “dirty fixes”. These are still not perfect, but I think that they are on the right track.

Problem #1:
“device/samsung/qcom-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-mcc310-mnc260/config.xml:38: error: Resource does not already exist in overlay at ‘config_tether_apndata’; use <add-resource> to add.”

So, I edited the file to take out the tether apn data. I don’t know for sure if this will cause tethering to fail or not, but as it is, it would not work.

<!– String containing the apn value for tethering. May be overriden by secure settings
TETHER_DUN_APN. Value is a comma separated series of strings:
note that empty fields can be ommitted: “name,apn,,,,,,,,,310,260,,DUN”
<string-array translatable=”false” name=”config_tether_apndata”>
<item>T-Mobile Tethering,pcweb.tmobile.com,,,,,,,,,310,260,,DUN</item>

Problem #2:
“device/samsung/qcom-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/arrays.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘^index_2’ with value ‘@string/reboot_download’).”

Here is the classic problem of adding reboot options (like into download or recovery mode) when I don’t have those modes actually enabled. So, as they are, it would be a “dead” button, and doesn’t like to compile that way. So for the present, I took it out.

<!– Defines the shutdown options shown in the reboot dialog. –>
<array name=”shutdown_reboot_options” translatable=”false”>
<!– <item>@string/reboot_download</item> WJH –>

Problem #3:
“device/samsung/jf-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:175: error: Resource at config_intrusiveBatteryLed appears in overlay but not in the base package; use <add-resource> to add.
device/samsung/jf-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:178: error: Resource at config_multiColorBatteryLed appears in overlay but not in the base package; use <add-resource> to add.”

What we see here is LED values that are not appropriatly added to the base packages. I really need to read up on adding resources. For now, I would just like to see it successfully build, so I eddited these two options out.

<!– Is the battery LED intrusive? Used to decide if there should be a disable option
<bool name=”config_intrusiveBatteryLed”>true</bool>WJH–>

<!– Does the battery LED support multiple colors? Used to decide if the user can change the colors
<bool name=”config_multiColorBatteryLed”>true</bool> WJH–>

Problem #4:
There is no installed launcher for the home screen. It is not that it was missing, it simply never was comiled because it did not exist. So, I added Turbo Launcher, which falls under Apache License 2.0, and has all of it’s source available on Github. The author does sell paid versions with extra features, but the base version is free. It is lightweight and fast, because there is not much to it. It is very simple, yet custimizable, which makes it a good fit for AOKP. Here’s how I added it:

First, I added TurboLauncher.apk to the /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/vendor/aokp/prebuilt/common/app folder. Then I edited /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/vendor/aokp/prebuilt/Android.mk by adding:

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := TurboLauncher
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := common/app/$(LOCAL_MODULE).apk

And I edited /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/device/samsung/jf-common/jf-common.mk by adding:

# WJH Launcher

Problem #5:
There is no installed file manager. It simply doesn’t exist in the source.

So, I went to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=39772628#post39772628 and downloaded Ultra Explorer v1.1, an open source file manager for Android. Kshark27 has done a lot of good work here, and I feel that it is a good file manager, as well as the fact that I like supporting open source projects. So, I moved the apk to the /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/vendor/aokp/prebuilt/common/app folder. Then I edited /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/vendor/aokp/prebuilt/Android.mk by adding:

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := TurboLauncher
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := common/app/$(LOCAL_MODULE).apk

And I edited /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp5-working/device/samsung/jf-common/jf-common.mk by adding:

# WJH file manager

This should ensure that the apps would be installed with the next build. Let’s see how well that works for us!

Linux – Keep it simple.

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