When it comes to king moves, the most interesting is castling, for which I did manage to find a few statistics on the web, based on official games: White castles […]
Connecting to my Bluefruit Feather from my Android phone!
This Christmas, my brother was kind enough to get me a great new toy to play with: a Bluefruit Feather! It’s a Bluetooth capable board with input and output pins […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: Quickly created Queens
Ah, the most powerful piece in the game. The queen. She can move in eight directions over great distances, she can outmaneuver any single piece on the board, she is […]
Taking a screen shot of an Android phone while it is still booting.
I stumbled upon an interesting tidbit the other day. I was trying to take a screenshot of my Android phone while it was playing the boot animation. Of course I […]
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! May God bless you and yours again today, as he already did so many years ago, as we can see in this wonderful song! Good Christian men […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: Building Bishops
Did you know that Bobby Fischer’s favorite piece was the king side bishop? Well, at least it is according to Grand Master Mihail Marin in his book, “Learn From the Legends: […]
Hourglass app: recurring timer option?
Last week I mentioned the changes to the Hourglass app in regards to manual time entry. As I looked over the commits, I realized that I forgot to mention the […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: A Rook-ie mistake!
The rook is believed to have once been the “rukh”, which was some sort of tower shaped carriage that was placed on top of an elephant. Supposedly, the rukh […]
Edited Hourglass app manual time entry function.
Last week GitHub user spaetz brought forward a great idea for the Hourglass Android timer app that I made a while back. He recommended that the manual time entry be […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: A knight’s tale.
Now that we have a visual board to display, and we’ve called for the engine to check for all available moves, we need to actually add moves for each piece. […]