Typically, if we want to check the internet connection speed, we can just use a web browser with any of the usual internet speed test sites. However, the other day […]
Added the ability to castle to the Beginner Chess Engine
For better or worse, I added the ability to castle to the Beginner Chess Engine. In theory, that would always be better. However, adding this feature actually caused two problems: […]
Beginner Chess Engine: Solved the pawn/king check problem….
If you’ve been following along, you probably have seen that the king had a slight problem. It was failing to adequately check for pawns when considering it’s own safety. Here […]
Added a display for the list of possible moves to the Beginner Chess Engine
Well, if you were wondering what I was doing with my spare time, this is it! I just added a TextView to display the move options that the computer had […]
Added reset button to the Beginning Chess Engine app, but it doesn’t do what you think….
As you can see, I added a reset button to the app for the Beginning Chess Engine. Originally, I had intended to have the board simply reset back to the […]
Beginner chess engine has a new repository!
The beginner chess engine has a brand new repository so I can more accurately track issues. Before, it was a small part of a larger repository holding different programs, but […]
The trouble with knights….
The trouble with knights…. In the continuing saga of making my own chess engine for Android, I’ve run into a peculiarity: If the king is in check, and the only […]
Beginner chess engine
As I continue to work on my java chess engine for Android, I’ve decided on a name for it, “beginner chess engine”. I just posted the latest commits here: https://github.com/alaskalinuxuser/apps_small/commit/cda1b197c7d48b71f45b6ce001cfa6a9482a1ba0 […]
Google’s Play Console App
Most people who are placing their apps on the Google Play Store are already aware of the Android version of the Play Console App. It’s an app to monitor the […]
SanDisk Sansa: Rockboxed!
A while back my brother gave me a SanDisk Sansa. It’s a great little music player about the size of a zippo lighter. In and of itself, that would be […]