While compiling Dirty Unicorns 6.0.1 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-Mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919) I ran into an interesting error, as you can see below. [CODE] target StaticLib: libhealthd.qcom (/home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/dirtyunicorns_m-caf/out/target/product/jfltetmo/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libhealthd.qcom_intermediates/libhealthd.qcom.a) […]
Going “Gapps-less” on my Android phone.
In a previous post (https://alaskalinuxuser3.ddns.net/2016/05/30/aptoide-a-good-google-alternative/) I wrote about an alternative to Google Services/Google PlayStore, at the end of which, I came to this conclusion: “With a fairly polished web GUI […]
Compile SlimRoms 6.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
The continuing saga of compiling SlimRoms 6.0 for the T-mobile Samsung Galaxy S4…. To God be the glory! Today there was some good progress! As you can see, the rom […]
Adding stlport to my SlimRoms 6 build
One of the problems that I have pulled from the logcat of my SlimRoms 6.0.1 build for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile (JFLTETMO, SGH-M919) ( https://alaskalinuxuser3.ddns.net/2016/05/24/pulling-a-logcat/ ) was this error: […]
AndFTP and JuiceSSH
I would like to start off by stating the obvious. I am not an app expert. I am not an SSH expert. I am a simple guy who just needs […]
Compile AOKP 5.0.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 T-mobile variant (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
Edit – I just realized that in my posts for having “fixed” many of the issues with the AOKP 5.0.2 build, that I only drafted, and didn’t actually post what […]
Aptoide: A good Google alternative?
There are many great reasons to use Google apps on your Android phone. Not the least of which is that Google made Android, and thus have really great insights on […]
Real World Example: Setting up a dynamic IP for remote ssh sessions – for free!
Yet another Real World Example (RWE)! I know it has been a while since I have posted one of these, but it is better late than never, right? The situation: […]
Testing my recompiled AOKP5 on the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile (JFLTETMO SGH-M919)
So after making those changes shown in my previous posts, I recompiled AOKP5 for my S4. It still built successfully, so then the fixes must have been appropriate. After downloading […]
Pulling a logcat
I have never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed, but boy, have I been missing the biggest, most obvious way of figuring out my 6.0 problems. […]