One of the key things that any chess engine needs to be able to do, is take the input from the calling program with regards to en passant. With a little algebra, it wasn’t too hard to set up:


Fortunately, it was pretty easy to add the ability for the engine to check if the move was an en passant move, but it relied on two parts, both of which you can check out in the commit on my GitLab.

The first part was to make a flag that en passant was enabled, because the enemy pawn moved two squares. The second part was to calculate if the conditions were met on the next move to be an en passant move or not. If so, it then needed to adjust it’s own board and remove the “extra” pawn that was left behind!

Sounds simple enough! Guess you’ll have to be the judge of that by looking at the commit though.

Linux – keep it simple.

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