While certainly nothing fancy, I have added a quick material evaluation to picoEngine. Up till now, I’ve been using picoEngine with random moves on. It is an option that by […]
Would you like to en passant, picoEngine?
After hours of toil and pain, I realized that I was going about this all wrong, and then in 15 minutes enabled the ability for picoEngine to choose to en […]
picoEngine, in passing?
One of the key things that any chess engine needs to be able to do, is take the input from the calling program with regards to en passant. With a […]
To castle, or not to castle, that is the question, picoEngine….
As you can see from the above screenshot, one of the engines possible moves is e8g8, which is for the black king to castle on the king’s side. This is […]
Castle, picoEngine?
After about an hour of accomplishing nothing, I finally gave up on what I was doing and fixed the UCI input for “movpos” when castling. So now, if given the […]
Android Remote Control through ADB
Today, I stumbled on perhaps the most ingenious use of ADB ever: Remote control your Android phone through adb A program and write-up by Marian Schedenig, that they shared on […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: Quickly created Queens
Ah, the most powerful piece in the game. The queen. She can move in eight directions over great distances, she can outmaneuver any single piece on the board, she is […]
Taking a screen shot of an Android phone while it is still booting.
I stumbled upon an interesting tidbit the other day. I was trying to take a screenshot of my Android phone while it was playing the boot animation. Of course I […]
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! May God bless you and yours again today, as he already did so many years ago, as we can see in this wonderful song! Good Christian men […]
Fool’s Mate Friday: Building Bishops
Did you know that Bobby Fischer’s favorite piece was the king side bishop? Well, at least it is according to Grand Master Mihail Marin in his book, “Learn From the Legends: […]