Doesn’t sound like a very useful tool to me, but it was the app I was required to build as part of my course. Here’s the download if you want […]
Art from “TheQuietLearner”
Often I choose custom backgrounds for my ROMs that are specifically themed to that ROM, such as choosing a PacMan image to go with a PAC rom, or the logo […]
Change the color please!
I often use a different texting app then the one which comes with my custom ROMs that I build. Often, the built in texting application is very bland. However, lately […]
Gello and Maven errors while compiling AOKP MM!
Let’s take a look at the problem code: [CODE] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:get (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: Couldn’t download artifact: Could not transfer artifact org.cyanogenmod:gello:apk:40 from/to central ( […]
Android number guessing game gets better!
Last post I made a number guessing game for Android. It is simple and short, but works well enough. However, my online course teacher pointed out a problem that was […]
Android number guessing game!
In the continuing adventures of higher education and personal learning, I made a simple little guessing game for Android, as instructed by my online course for Android app development. It […]
A real GitHub client for Android!
GitHub. Android. They should be friends. At least, that’s what I thought. Yet time and time again, I was settling for less than fully functional GitHub apps. Sure ForkHub and […]
Breaking down a voltage control app
I learned so many things while making the S4 GPU voltage control app, that I thought it would be appropriate to break it down into groups. Here is the source […]
A New S4 GPU Voltage Control App!
With the code from Ktoonsez to allow the control of the GPU voltage added to my Galaxy S4 kernel, one could now adjust the voltage of each stage of the […]
A currency converter app.
I never realized just how much goes into an app before trying to learn how to make one work! At the same time, I never realized how simple the individual […]