A while back I wrote an article about the problem with using static paths in compiling, which I concluded with this statement: “Long story short, fix your dynamic paths if […]
Error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
Error: Exited sync due to fetch errors [CODE] $ repo sync ………EDITED FOR SPACE……… Fetching project SlimRoms/android_external_qrngd error: Cannot fetch UBERTC/arm-eabi-5.2 Fetching project platform/external/chromium_org/third_party/libphonenumber/src/phonenumbers Fetching projects: 86% (419/487) Fetching project […]
Breaking down a gif file into frames
I was having a bit of fun with Gimp and put together this new boot animation for Liquid Smooth. The principle thing that I did was create a template that […]
Setting up your compile environment for OmniRom 6.0.1
I’ve talked about how to compile Android variants before, and for the most part, it works the same no matter what variant you build. One caveat to that, however, is […]
Error: File not found – The problem with using absolute paths.
While attemtping to add the Lionheart governor to my previously built kernel, I ran into an interesting problem: [CODE] firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin.gen.S: Assembler messages: firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin.gen.S:5: Error: file not found: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/cm13/kernel/samsung/jf/firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin make[3]: *** […]
Error: ‘memcmp’ was not declared in this scope!
Here is a problem that I occasionally come across while compiling. Since it is so common for me to see this, I would like to re-iterate an earlier post I […]
The AKLU-Lionheart kernel!
For those of you who are downloading or using the PAC-ROM 6.0.1 or AOKP 6.0.1 that God graciously enabled me to build, I have released a new kernel for them, […]
When LiquidSmooth gets rough!
Among the many roms that I am currently working on, one of them is Liquid-Marshmallow (LiquidSmooth 6.0.1) for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile variant (SGH-M919, JFLTETMO). There are a couple […]
Stop: Recovery theme is not valid!
While compiling OmniRom 6.0.1 for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile variant (JFLTETMO, SGH-M919), I ran into this problem, which halted the compiling process: [CODE] bootable/recovery/gui/Android.mk:127: **************************************************************************** bootable/recovery/gui/Android.mk:128: * TW_THEME is […]
How old is too old?
A while back I was helping my brother move some old equipment out of a place he use to live. One of the items that I saw there was an […]