Hey everyone! Praise God! Great news! I just passed 1000 subscribers on YouTube and I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for taking this journey […]
This is not checkers, picoEngine….
Then why does he say “king me?!” Today I worked on the king moves for picoEngine. Note that I did not include castling moves yet. Without the castle moves, the […]
Queen, picoEngine?
In my most recent commit, which you can check out in full at my GitLab, I added the ability for the queen to move to the picoEngine. This completes all […]
Bishops aren’t Bums…
Believe it or not, the bishops can now move! 3 of the 6 piece types now have the complete freedom of movement that they should have on the regular board! […]
Uh, picoEngine? I thought you said the king was safe?
Except he’s not. That’s right. I big technical oversight on my part allowed the king to not be safe at all! while (boardPositions[k] == ‘*’ && notI) { Needed to […]
picoEngine is such a rook-ie!
Now the rooks can move too! While it is only a small improvement, the rooks can now also be moved by picoEngine, which is a great step forward. Overall, that […]
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year everyone! I’ve done a lot of posts the last year, and thanks to those of you who read them, like them, follow/subscribe to them as well. Last […]
BLU Life XL (L0050UU) TWRP Complete!
I was fortunate enough to be given a used BLU Life XL (L0050UU) from my sister when she upgraded her phone. The great part about having a new toy is […]
Make a move picoEngine….
For the first time ever, picoEngine made it’s very own move. While no where near as important as my children taking their first steps, it was really a monumental moment […]
Merry Christmas To You!
Once again, it is Christmas day, and I want to wish you a very merry Christmas! I pray that God would bless you as he did me and everyone else […]