I’ve talked about how to compile Android variants before, and for the most part, it works the same no matter what variant you build. One caveat to that, however, is […]
Error: File not found – The problem with using absolute paths.
While attemtping to add the Lionheart governor to my previously built kernel, I ran into an interesting problem: [CODE] firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin.gen.S: Assembler messages: firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin.gen.S:5: Error: file not found: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/cm13/kernel/samsung/jf/firmware/audience-es325-fw-eur.bin make[3]: *** […]
Error: ‘memcmp’ was not declared in this scope!
Here is a problem that I occasionally come across while compiling. Since it is so common for me to see this, I would like to re-iterate an earlier post I […]
The AKLU-Lionheart kernel!
For those of you who are downloading or using the PAC-ROM 6.0.1 or AOKP 6.0.1 that God graciously enabled me to build, I have released a new kernel for them, […]
When LiquidSmooth gets rough!
Among the many roms that I am currently working on, one of them is Liquid-Marshmallow (LiquidSmooth 6.0.1) for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile variant (SGH-M919, JFLTETMO). There are a couple […]
Stop: Recovery theme is not valid!
While compiling OmniRom 6.0.1 for the Samsung Galaxy S4, T-Mobile variant (JFLTETMO, SGH-M919), I ran into this problem, which halted the compiling process: [CODE] bootable/recovery/gui/Android.mk:127: **************************************************************************** bootable/recovery/gui/Android.mk:128: * TW_THEME is […]
How old is too old?
A while back I was helping my brother move some old equipment out of a place he use to live. One of the items that I saw there was an […]
My simple calendar script
As some of you know from previous posts, I use JWM as my default window manager. I like to keep things simple and cut down on wasted resources. This helps […]
RWE: Step by step instructions for building AOKP 6.0 for the T-Mobile variant of the Samsung Galaxy S4
I have noticed that the build instructions on the AOKP website are a bit outdated. They date back to JellyBean. I would like to encourage other users to build more […]
How to check your governor and I/O scheduler from the command line
The other day, when working through some issues with kernel governors and I/O schedulers, I realized that I was a bit rusty on where to find them from the command […]