Yes, there is purposely one too many t’s in GattTool. Last time we looked at the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packets being sent from my Android app to my home […]
Some Wobble To Your Bobble?
In the continuing efforts to make a fun game that tests my (very limited and basic) skills as a C++ programmer, as well as to further the bounds of SFML, […]
Darkness overcomes the Blu Life One X2
Sounds sinister! But really I just added the darkness governor to the BLOX2 (Blu Life One X2). It is part of my video series on 64 bit kernel modification, which […]
Bluetooth Breakdown?
So, in the continuing saga of learning about Bluetooth, I am breaking down some transmissions of Bluetooth signal from my Android phone to the Bluetooth auto start that I built. […]
Making A Kernel Zip
Some people who have been using the video tutorials have requested this, so I am posting a link here for making your own kernel zip file. Download the linked file, […]
Interview with WaveUp creator juanitobananas!
WaveUp is by far one of the handiest tools you can add to your Android arsenal! I’ve used this app for over a year now, and I love it! It’s […]
Water Drums With Sound!
If you take a look at my latest commit to the Water Drum Game, you’ll see that I added a few features! Notably, when in free play mode, the drums […]
Foray into Bluetooth Programming through C and C++
alaskalinuxuser@alaskalinuxuser-OptiPlex-7010:~/Documents/c++/bluetooth/cbluez$ ./simplescan FC:58:FA:08:72:E4 CANZ alaskalinuxuser@alaskalinuxuser-OptiPlex-7010:~/Documents/c++/bluetooth/cbluez$ ./simplescan FC:58:FA:08:72:E4 CANZ alaskalinuxuser@alaskalinuxuser-OptiPlex-7010:~/Documents/c++/bluetooth/cbluez$ ./simplescan 00:00:00:00:5A:AD bacon FC:58:FA:08:72:E4 CANZ alaskalinuxuser@alaskalinuxuser-OptiPlex-7010:~/Documents/c++/bluetooth/cbluez$ That was the terminal output from the program “simplescan”, which I got from an instructive […]
Interview with Tomas, the creator of Your Local Weather app!
As you already know, I like open source software. I also really like knowing what the weather is currently, and what it is supposed to be over the next couple […]
Water Drum Spawning?
Spawning in games is a term you usually hear for power ups, zombies, or player/characters. It is not usually a term that you hear for water drums… until now! In […]