Now that picoEngine has reached version 1.0, I’m ready to work on a few other projects. Namely some electronic ones. Since Christmas, I’ve been holding on to a few Arduino […]
Finished, picoEngine?
Today I released version 1.0 of picoEngine. That’s right! My UCI compatible chess engine is now released as picoEngine version 1.0! You can view the tag on my GitLab. Now […]
picoEngine: Fixing FEN + Moves!
Today I was able to finally put the nail in the coffin of the FEN + Moves bug in picoEngine! It felt great to close that long standing issue. You […]
Choice by chance, picoEngine?
Today I added another set of options to picoEngine. Since it can now think through up to 8 ply, I needed to give it an option to choose how many […]
Think deep, picoEngine!
Okay, so I’ve been going on and on about making picoEngine think through multiple ply, and it really has been a challenge. I think this latest commit finally fixed it […]
Are you listening to yourself, picoEngine?
Last post I was really excited about granting picoEngine permission to make multi-ply moves. However, I came to realize that while it was considering the end result of multiple ply […]
Are you mobile, picoEngine?
With so many of my posts being about mobile phones, this title might seem misleading. However, I am not implying that picoEngine is on a mobile phone, but rather that […]
Multi-ply picoEngine!
Hopefully, the above gif loaded for you. It’s not much to look at, but it is really neat to see the output and evaluation from picoEngine as it calculates through […]
Single Ply Decisions from picoEngine!
While this may not seem like a real feat to many, I’m actually really excited about this. For the first time, picoEngine actually made an “informed decision” of what move […]
TWRP on the Urbane!
One of the side projects I have been working on is playing around with my new to me smart watch, an LG Urbane (W150). Among the different projects, I built […]